Red Door Champions

Start a fundraising page in support of Red Door!

Become a Red Door Champion and make a difference for homeless families in need. Start a page to raise funds for an event, to honour someone you love, celebrate a birthday, encourage a personal challenge,​ and many more occasions!​

Create your personal or team fundraising page.

Customize and share your page with friends and family.

Collect donations and reach your goal to help families in need.

The Wishing Tree

Not sure what the children at Red Door Family Shelter would like this holiday season? We’ve got you covered with The Wishing Tree! 🎄

Avoid the four stages of gift-giving—“I think they’ll like this!” “I think they’ll like this?!” “Will they like this?” “I hope they like this.”—and remove all the guesswork.

Each child staying in our shelter has written their wish, and we’ve added these heartfelt notes to our Wishing Tree. By choosing a wish to grant, you’ll make holiday dreams come true while keeping your gift-giving stress-free. 🌟
